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The Prop Master: Cindy's Student: Her Desire To Learn Was Insatiable Page 5
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Along the way, a bound and naked Constance experiences the river in a way she never has before, not as background scenery while she plays her social games on a riverboat, but as a dangerous and unpredictable place where the only thing between disaster and safe arrival is the skill of the riverboat pilots.
I say, buy it and read it, dammit!
Also By Pat Powers
Riverbeast: Beneath Slavery
Book Three of the Riverbeast Series -- Free!
Book three of the Riverbeast series will cost you nothing ... Amazon won't allow it, and it's ridiculous for people who've bought books one and two not to be able to enjoy book three, so click on the pic and go to the website to get book 3 in Kindle format or read it in HTML format if you prefer. Enjoy!
Constance Harlee, kidnapped by wild west keelboat rowdies with a serious grudge against her father, continues to experience indignities. Being a former Boston blueblood, she is richly humiliated by her new circumstances. Reduce to less than a slave girl, she learns of the inconveniences of having a tail. She also discovers the real meaning of what it is to be bent over a barrel … she though it was just a figure of speech! At the same time, even within the depths of her bondage, she finds kindness in one of the prostitutes on the boat, and discovers that keelboat men, rough and ready lot though they are, are for the most part kind to her, in their crude way. Her voyage is a voyage of discovery in more ways than one.
Also By Pat Powers
Riverbeast: Awakening
Book Two of the Riverbeast Series
You HAVE to read this. Here's why. A few quotes from random paragraphs from Riverbeast: Awakening:
"My butt's all itchy," said the woman. "Must be from wearing all these clothes. So it needs scratching. And here's this nice girl's face that looks like it'd do the job real good."
I writhed helplessly in my bonds and tried repeatedly to push his cock out with my tongue. This appeared to have a terrible effect on Fink, for he groaned loudly and his fists clenched on my head harness. Obviously his pink cock was terribly sensitive and any pressure on it caused terrible pain. Certainly it looked terribly sensitive. So I pressed more vigorously with my tongue, with greater frequency. Bart groaned again and pushed my head away from him.
I did not have the slightest bit of guilt for pretending to feel faint when I did not, thus inspiring such attentions. I was a member of the smart set of Boston society and quite a beauty besides. It was only fitting that every consideration should be given to my feelings, even those I chose to misrepresent. I remembered this as I lay naked, bound and gagged with my legs spread and sperm oozing out my nether regions while men laughed at me for responding sexually to the forced attentions of a brute.
I was pretty full by the time the meal ended. It was an excellent stew, very New Orleans, with all sorts of savory spices mixed in with the meat and vegetables. Though the taste of dirty fingers kept it from being the sort of thing you'd expect to find in a top-quality New Orlean restaurant. And of course, most restaurants didn't strip their guests naked and tie their wrists to their ankles. It's the little things like that that make the best places stand out, I guess.
I have to admit, the bear grease potion really helped.
Also By Pat Powers
Riverbeast: Fink's Revenge
Book One of the Riverbeast Series
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Riverbeast: Fink's Revenge – an historical erotic romance
Constance Euharlee had it all back in 1824. In the town that was named for her family, Euharlee, Missouri, she was a princess, daughter of the richest merchant in town. Although born in Euharlee, she has spent most of her young life in finishing schools back east in Boston, consorting with the finest (and richest) people, learning the manners and making the connections to secure an advantageous marriage.
Constance's beauty and grace were also a great help to her in Boston. But they became a hindrance to her when she returned to Euharlee from boarding school, on the day she was kidnapped by the wild keelboaters of the Mississippi. These rivermen were among the toughest and most dangerous men in the Old West, men who braved the pirates and Indians who populated the river's wild shore to take their flatboats full of very stealable goods down to New Orleans.
Worse yet, Constance's captors have plans for her, plans for making her lower than the lowliest slave. The keelboaters plan to deny her humanity entirely and make her a Riverbeast, a naked slave, crawling before men, who must serve any man in any way that pleases him, on command.
Can Constance survive the torments of her captors as they teach her what it means to be the lowest kind of slave girl? Can she survive life on the mighty Mississippi in the days when it was wild and free? Can she manage to struggle back to the life she once knew, or something like it? Will she ever find love in her new and degraded state?
Riverbeast is an historical erotic romance novella, a classic piece of Western erotica set in the Old West days of the Mississippi River.
Also By Pat Powers
President Slave Girl: Billionaire's Toy
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Beautiful blond Eileen MacCammon, former President of the United States, became a de facto slave when she was stripped of her legal rights as punishment for her excesses as America's most prudish President. Kidnapped by those whose lives she'd destroyed in her tenure as President, they put a homouth on her, nanotechnology that transforms her mouth into another set of lips entirely, and back again, under certain highly distressing circumstances. The nanosets have also increased the intensity of her sexual feelings by an order of magnitude. For a dyed-in-the-wool prude, it's a horrible punishment.
Sought for her beauty, her notoriety, by people who hated her, who cared for her, who wanted to use her, she embarks on an odyssey that leads her to the life of a bordello slave and billionaire's plaything. Subject to every excess of lust and depravity in a science fiction world of insidious technology, kept in strict sexual bondage, will she ever find romance and experience real love?
This book is part of the morality laws/basic income universe and the text of the story itself runs to just over 32,000 words according to the Open Office word counter.
Also By Pat Powers:
The Homouth Part 1
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Eileen MacCammon, President of the United State, a strong, morally conservative woman who, on ascending the the Presidency, follows through on her campaign promise to wipe out sexual moral degeneracy in an America beset by economic woes. She imprisons hundreds of thousands of prostitutes, strippers and even erotica writers in her drive to bring moral purity to America. Then she goes a step further and begins imprisoning the clients of prostitutes, the fans of strippers, the viewers of erotica and the readers of erotica, by the millions, often bypassing the Constitutional protections of citizens on very flimsy pretexts.
The tables turn in the next election,when she and her party are swept out of power by a tidal wave of voters who are essentially voting to keep themselves out of jail.
For her crimes as President, MacCammon is given no jail time, but a new kind of sentence: she is stripped of all her Constitutional rights except her right to life. She walks out of the courtroom legally able to be kidnapped and used in any way her kidnappers like, so long as they do not kill her or permanently maim her.
She is soon kidnapped by her enemies, who subject her to quite a few torments, torments of the exact sort often seen in the erotica she has so vigorously suppressed.
But perhaps worst of all, her enemies use nanotechnology to place a homouth on her, transforming her mouth into a vagina. It's a technology widely used by sex workers, but they have the ability to control it, reverting to a normal mouth at will. MacCammon can only revert to a normal mouth by performing acts that she would have described as disgusting and vulgar before she had the homouth on her and found her power of speech reduced to making disgusting slucking sounds.
; MacCammon's captors release her, but she soon finds that in her new, rights-free state she is in essence a fugitive slave, and eventually, a slavegirl, sold and resold by people who hate her and want to abuse her, and by those who simply want to use her.
And everyone, she finds, has a use for a former President of the United States who is now a rightless slave and who wears … the Homouth!
Also By Pat Powers:
Shameless Outlaws
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Markus the Meaty is the mighty warrior who commands the Shameless Outlaws, and Slinky the Slave Girl is his slave, but it's not the typical relationship. Slinky, the former leader of a band of cougar women, is smarter than Markus and a better fighter, too. In a world where outlaw bands, pirate bands and cougar women battle one another constantly, a slave girl who can defeat enemies by the horde is an excellent thing to have, especially if you are not the smartest warrior on Lothar. In fact, Markus will not sell Slinky for any price, mostly because he knows if he does, she will simply escape and return to him, and not even his semi-magical Carl Talbot Underoos would save him from losing the battle that would ensue. Anyway, that's his EXCUSE for refusing to sell her at any price -- though his battlefield strategies often lead to glorious near-victories (or "defeats" as some call them) Markus may be a smarter man than he seems.
Join Markus and Slinky as they struggle to stay together in a topsy-turvy world where slave girls fight alongside their Masters and Mistresses and even the bravest warrior screams in terror when captured and forced to listen to epic slave girl poetry!
Also By Pat Powers:
Fifty Shades of Gaia: The Slave Princess
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If you couldn't get enough of Slavegirl Leia in "Revenge of the Jedi," you're REALLY going to like "Slave Gaia," the story of another beautiful princess captured by a different ruthless alien gangster in a place far, far away from that other place.
This is a story that has it all -- giant, disgusting worms, alien harems, kinky advanced technology and reckless adventure as Floot Skootfluter attempts to single-handedly rescue Slave Gaia armed with nothing more than his Popiel Pocket Saberman!
You'll thrill as Gaia learns what it is to be a slavegirl, whether it's being tied up in sexy ways, tormented in sexy ways, having sex in sexy ways, being used as alien chewing gum, and other alien practices so obscene they don't even have names.
Can Slavegirl Gaia use her Jiggi mind powers to maintain her personality and avoid being transformed into a will-less sex doll via her addiction to the Hunn slave stalk? Will Flook rescue her?
Also By Pat Powers:
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Enslaved is the story of a one night stand, told from the viewpoint of a traveling airport lounge Lothario who's just picked up a gorgeous woman in a bar -- a gorgeous woman who happen to have another gorgeous woman living with her as her slave. The straightforward pickup he'd envisioned becomes a night of unrestrained carnality as the bar pickup forces her slave to serve them both in every imaginable way and several that probably aren't. But all is not as it seems ...
Also By Pat Powers:
Doin' Time In The Blue Shadows
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"Doin' Time in the Blue Shadows" is what a Lifetime Women in Prison story should be. It's the story of an innocent, or at least semi-innocent woman who has been imprisoned and used in one of the more degenerate work-release programs ever devised, strictly for financial reasons, of course, the cause of most of the evil things in the world.
Lifetime Channel women in prison movies do a great job of exploiting the emotional vulnerability of women trapped in a prison environment, but lack that raw edge of passion that women in prison exploitation films have. This story is intended as an illustration of how far you can take things if you pay attention to both the lessons that Lifetime movies have to teach, and to the possibilities brought up, however crudely, by exploitation films. We pull no punches here, emotionally or otherwise. It's set in a very near future where the economy has gone south in a big way due to massive unemployment cause by automation and roboticization, driving many formerly middle class people into poverty. Sex work becomes an increasingly common option for these people, causing some to decry rampant immorality as the actual cause of America's problem. An extremely prudish Congress and President are swept into Congress and enact the Morality Laws, sending millions of Americans to jail.
Sally, the protagonist is a former pharmaceutical sales representative who lost her job to automation and wound up stripping and hooking to make ends meet. She got swept up in the Morality Laws net, and wound up in prison, enrolled in a very special work program that is very profitable for prisons, helping recoup the cost of imprisoning so many millions of Americans. How can she cope with a prison sentence where her punishment is reenacting her crime over and over again?
This story is part of the Morality Laws/Basic Income world.
Also By Pat Powers: Karg
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It's about time someone wrote a fun, sexy science fiction novel about sexy slavegirls on a barbarian planet full of roaring dinosaurs and big, strapping barbaric warriors, and that's exactly what Pat Powers has done in his novel "Karg." Not since John Norman's Gor novels has a writer so skillfully interwoven a science fiction plotline with strong sexual bondage imagery.
"Karg" is the story of Susan Yearby, a gorgeous and brilliant young explorer charged with re-establishing contact with Karg. Her job is part of a program to rediscover human colonies lost during a decades-long exodus through an alien artifact known as "the Pelman point" where for a long time ships could travel to interstellar space, but had no way of knowing where they were going and no way of getting back.
When Yearby is captured by Kargian warriors and made into a sex slave by them, she does not adapt well, coming from the more egalitarian society of Earth. She escapes many times and is recaptured many times, as she searches for her Earth lover Tully, getting plenty of opportunity to learn much about Karg and Kargians, especially what it's like to be a Kargian slavegirl (hint: lots of sex, lots of being bound and gagged, not much in the way of clothing).
Whether it's the primitive sexual bondage rituals of a nameless tribe of swamp dwellers, or the slavegirl bondage catfights staged in the Fighting Pits of Kanorga, or in a slavegirl sex spectacle held by a Kargian army on the eve of battle, Yearby discovers that the life of a Kargian slavegirl is never dull!
Also By Pat Powers:
The Hottitude of Servitude --
Slave Girls In The Movies and On TV
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The Hottitude of Servitude is a filthy, disgusting, reprehensible, copiously illustrated and most of all FUN series of essays and reviews about proper portrayal of slavegirls in mainstream (i.e., not pornographic) movies that contain slavegirls as characters. The central concept of the book is as simple as it ought to be: slavegirls are characters who are uniquely sexy, given that whole mildly kinky attraction they have, and should be used by filmmakers to crank up the film's sexiness to whatever level is desired. They are also uniquely useful in this regard, and when properly used, can crank up the hottitude without slowing down the film's pace or detracting from plot or characterization.
The Hottitude of Servitude looks at every kind of slavegirl look from the baggy, shapeless tunics popular for female slavegirls of the Italian sword and sorcery movies known as peplum to the general nakedness of slavegirls in 1980s big-hair-and-bare-breasts sword and sandal movies such as Barbarian Queen and all points in between. While we're at it we'll take plenty of opportunity to snark at the movies that provide the slavegirl imagery, taking time to enjoy such phenomena as the Stupidest Civil Engineering Project in the History of Civilization (from Hercules and the Tyrants of Babylon), the Triangles of Death and the Irregular Polygons of Doom (from Thor an
d the Amazon Women), The Most Thoroughly Deposed King Ever (from Deathstalker) and many, many other snarkworthy products of such movies.
In The Hottitude of Servitude, we have slavegirls ogled, hilariously bad films snarked and Grand Unified Cheese Theory, all rolled into a book that is exactly the same kind of guilty pleasure as its subject matter, but with a light patina of intellectual nattering to make it seem almost respectable. It's not just a guilty pleasure, it's a plausibly deniable guilty pleasure!
Also By Pat Powers:
A Little Bit of Monica
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AT LAST! A book that RIPS THE LID off HARDCORE COSPLAY and BELLY DANCING at so-called “Cons”!!!!!!!! And describes in DETAIL how much FUN it all is!
When Monica saw the three sexy Slave Leias belly dancing at GamaRamaLamaDingDongCon, her latest obsession was born – she had to learn belly dancing! The women moved so sensuously, so gracefully, entrancing all onlookers, including her, but especially boys. Especially especially cute boys. She could learn belly dancing and do the same!